
I don’t know how I could possibly put into words the joy, friendships, fun, stress, concern, struggle, happiness, and events of the past year. At the very start of 2020 I moved from Canada to Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I didn’t know anyone in Amsterdam and basically moved on a leap of faith that everything would work out. I started by walking through the city for hours on ends. Exploring, finding cafés, new shops, neighbourhoods, views, things to do. It was overwhelming so fantastic all at once! I found a place to live, I started making friends, I was watching it all play out perfectly. I went to Budapest, Hungary for 3 days, I went to a King Krule concert and was basically beginning to live out the dream I had for what my life in Europe would be. Of course, then 2020 hit the world with a doozie.


COVID-19 has affected us all, no matter the severity or impact, it has changed things for everyone. I was determined to stay in Amsterdam, and after working for only 2 weeks at a juicery, it went bankrupt due to the lockdown. I had to swerve and accommodate a new concept of what living abroad at a time like this would look like. Things were never going to look how I originally pictured them, but I was still in an amazing city, with incredible people and I wasn’t going to squander my year just because things were not what I expected. By no means has it escaped my mind that I have been extremely fortunate and that I was beyond lucky to be where I was and in the position I was in. I could never, and would never complain about the way I was able to spend my 2020. The damage COVID-19 has done is immense. The socio-political landscape, the injustices, the outrageous/murderous actions taken by people in power, the inhumane hate speech and did I mention injustices, that have taken place over the past year are horrific. I cannot bypass or belittle that.

What I want to do when I look back on 2020, is be reminded of the good times, the great people and the privilege I have had to experience the year that way. I also hope that for you, on looking back, that you have had those moments and those people that have made your heart full and your soul grateful. If 2020 has done anything on a global scale for the good… it is potentially the emphasis it has put on what we as individuals have previously taken for granted, and enlighten us to pour more love and gratitude into them. Friend, family and whatever may bring you joy - hold these things close.

We can never predict exact outcomes - we can only plan, hope, work and put action into making things however great they can be. So, here’s to the good times.

By Ella

Images by Ella

Ella Deutsch