the skin skope


Started as a passion project, The Skin Skope was a blog site that chronicled the journey of many individuals’ journeys with skin conditions, and how natural skincare and healing can truly make a difference. Ariana Bascom and I joined The Skin Skope team 6 months into their first year, our position being videographers. We ventured to create short videos that would range 2 series:

You Are Not Alone - Focusing on one individual and their personal struggles with skincare, along with how they have been able to use natural products and the right foods to turn around their woes.

The Locals - Detailing what individuals around Toronto have been doing to take part in the world of natural healing.

Blog posts rounded out the site, becoming a jumping off point for people to educate themselves on how we are all unique, and it is important to discover what our bodies need from the natural world to treat our ailments.

I loved creating content for The Skin Skope, editing videos and interviewing people within this industry truly ignited my passion for natural skincare, and pushed me to move forward on my journey to natural healing.


check out these other videos created for the skin skope